Make Your Coffee Filter Fit Your Machine With A Simple Folding Hack
One of the most common coffee filters out there is the classic cone-shaped coffee filter. Also known as the flat-V or Melitta filter, these paper products are a versatile choice that can fit into most common coffee machines. Still, these filters are also pretty stiff and can be hard to maneuver into a pot. For all those who have struggled to stuff one into their machine, you're not alone, but you might be surprised to learn these filters are not designed to be used this way. Instead, caffeine lovers should fold down the seams at the edge of these filters before slipping them into a coffee pot. This way they can really fit snugly inside of a filter's chamber (or even a mason jar, if you want to make coffee without a coffee maker).
Failing to fold your filter will mean you'll end up with a very slow drip of coffee, as the stiff, unfolded paper at the bottom of the filter will block the drain holes built into most coffee makers. This also makes for an uneven distribution of water, so you'll end up waiting three times as long for a lackluster morning cup. For all those who want to perfect their coffee game, here's how to properly fold your coffee filter. If you like the result, consider this coffee filter hack next.
Perfectly fold your paper coffee filter
If you fold your cone coffee filter back and forth, you'll see that one side of the paper is soft and the other one is hard. Fold the bottom crease of the coffee filter up toward the soft side, then fold the long side up the same way. This will help form a perfect pouch for your coffee grounds while reinforcing the softer side of the filter.
For most pots, a simple crease along the bottom and long side of the paper will suffice. If you have an especially unique coffee machine that's not a drip or pour-over machine, consult your machine's instruction manual to be sure of which filter you should be using, because a folded cone might not work. These finicky filters are designed to be used in a variety of ways and can fit almost any machine, but not every one is a good fit.
Another way to make sure these stiff paper filters fit properly in your coffee pot is by rinsing them with warm water before adding them to the chamber. This will help soften the paper while extracting excess paper flavors, which is why you should always wet your coffee filters after you fold.