The Rookie Mistake You're Probably Making When Cooking Gumbo

Back from a trip to New Orleans and desperate to recreate the life-changing gumbo that warmed not just your stomach but your soul? Hearty and packed with flavor, Louisiana's favorite Southern comfort dish is famous for a reason, but making it at home can be quite the process. Still, if you're determined to truly master the dish, we have the tip you're missing — straight from the mouth of an expert. 

Darren Chabert, chef de cuisine at Saint John Restaurant (@saintjohnnola on Instagram) in New Orleans, wants to help bring your rookie gumbo to the next level — and he's willing to share the harsh truth that will help get you there. As Chabert exclusively tells Chowhound, "If you want gumbo today, you should have made it yesterday." While not technically a hard-and-fast rule, this is the wisdom commonly held by Creole-cuisine aficionados. Those deep layers of flavor take time to build and a night in the fridge, paired with an hour or so cooking your stew low and slow at a simmer, is the perfect way to make that happen.

Storing your stew

So you've accepted the unfortunate truth that, as Darren Chabert puts it, "Same day gumbo is not a thing!" What now? How should you set aside your gumbo to marinate? And after all that effort, how long will your vat of stew last? First, let your leftovers completely cool, then they'll be ready to transfer to the fridge. If you plan to serve the gumbo the next day, feel free to leave it in the pot (covered) for easy reheating. But if you're hoping to make it stretch — or just need things to stack better to fit in your fridge — transfer your gumbo to several small tupperwares or glass containers. This will help stop bacterial growth and make it easy to portion out when you're ready to eat.

In the fridge, your gumbo will likely last three to four days, depending on the type of meat used, but it also stays good for about three months (and a little longer if you're okay with some textural decline) when stored in the freezer. For the latter option, freezer-safe bags are a popular space-saving storage solution for leftovers. Freeze some rice, too, and you'll have a hearty, ready-made meal for a few cold winter nights when you just can't be bothered to cook something fresh.
