For Better Instant Coffee, Try Making Indian Cappuccino

Instant coffee can get a bad rap from coffee snobs who prioritize roast dates, flavor profiles, and arabica coffee beans over robusta. Yet, for those who grew up with instant coffee — or have visited a place where instant was the only option — a simple cup of Nescafé can conjure sweet memories. Furthermore, just as your local barista may enjoy inventing their own specialty drinks using various flavorings and brewing methods, instant coffee drinkers have created some unforgettable ways to enjoy this seemingly simple beverage. One of these is the Indian cappuccino. 

To make an Indian cappuccino, add a couple spoonfuls of Nescafé and a couple of spoonfuls of sugar to a glass. Splash in a dash of warm milk or water and beat everything together, either by hand or with a milk frother. The mixture will thicken, becoming a fluffy, caramel-colored foam. Top the mixture with warm milk, and give it a good stir. 

If you enjoy flavored coffee, consider adding some spices such as cinnamon or cardamom, either on top of the finished beverage or while stirring it together. To really maximize the coffee flavor, sprinkle some additional instant coffee powder on top. Cocoa powder is another common topping.

Indian cappuccino isn't just Dalgona coffee

While the Indian cappuccino — also known as a Desi cappuccino — is similar to Dalgona coffee, there's one main difference. Dalgona coffee no doubt went viral in part because of its visual appeal: The whipped coffee layer floats on top of the milk. While both drinks (and the Greek frappe) begin by whipping instant coffee granules, sugar, and a little hot liquid, the Indian cappuccino involves pouring warmed milk on top of the whipped mixture and stirring it together, as opposed to the Dalgona coffee method of spooning the whipped coffee on top of the milk (and stirring it together after you've snapped a pic, of course!).

When making your drink, be patient if you're whipping this by hand rather than with a frother, as it can take up to 10 minutes to get the texture just right. If you're making this with friends — or have some kids you'd like to keep occupied for a few minutes — turn this into a group project. It is also possible to whip up a large batch of whipped coffee, spooning the mixture into individual cups before adding the warm milk. Or, just make a big batch of the whipped coffee for yourself, as it should keep in the refrigerator for several days if stored in an airtight container.
