Here's How Long To Grill A Frozen Burger Patty

Who doesn't fancy a homemade burger from time to time? Of course, there's really nothing wrong with takeout. But perhaps you're done with the fast food scene because you've already tried every McDonald's burger realized that nothing beats the smokiness of a fresh-off-the-grill patty that has been charred to perfection.

The problem comes down to how much time you have on your hands. You might have a stash of top-quality patties in the freezer, but just the thought of thawing them makes you want to give up on the idea and order delivery instead. Don't overthink it; it's far simpler than it seems to get frozen burgers cooked. There's no need to defrost those patties to make delicious homemade burgers. Simply toss them on the grill straight from the freezer.

Don't worry, this won't turn into one of those classic mistakes everyone makes when cooking burgers. In fact, all you need to do is take those patties out, season them with a touch of salt and pepper, and throw them on the grill for 15 to 20 minutes. You'll love this technique for two main reasons: First, because it's extremely easy, and second, because it doesn't compromise the patty's flavor or juiciness.

A quick fix for a delicious last-minute burger

Believe it or not, frozen patties can turn out amazing when done right. The game changer in this case lies in how you handle them the moment they're out of the freezer. The main thing to do is to make sure to flip your burgers every 3 to 5 minutes to cook them evenly. This will help keep them juicy, preserve their texture, and also give them a rich, caramelized crust, which fresh patties usually lack. To tell if they're properly done, consider cooking them to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you're a cheese lover, don't forget to add a slice of cheese on the patty after the final flip. You can close the lid on your grill or place a dome on top to help steam the cheese a bit as well. Let it cook for another minute and set the burgers aside, as you toast the buns to your preference. Then all that remains is the best part — layer your burger with your beloved toppings and take a big, juicy bite.
