Why Bologna Is A True Oklahoma Barbecue Classic
Barbecue is often thought of as a generally American cuisine, but the truth is barbecue can vary all across the country. Our comprehensive guide to barbecue sauce across the U.S. shows that there are endless flavor and texture variations in sauces and marinades alone, including the vinegar-forward St. Louis-style barbecue sauce that's considered an American treasure. Regionally, there are even different cuts of meat that get used.
In Oklahoma specifically, there's one type of meat that is used in barbecue all the time: bologna. This smoked southern classic sounds like an unusual meat choice but ever since its inception in Oklahoma, it has remained popular. It can be found anywhere from barbecue restaurant joints to parties all over the state. Also known as Oklahoma prime rib, Oklahoma-style barbecue often involves taking an entire log of bologna and smoking it. The bologna is scored on the outside, giving it a distinctly geometric shape, and coated in a glaze. From there, it just needs to be sliced and served.
How to cook Oklahoma prime rib
The precise origins of Oklahoma prime rib are highly debated. Currently, two cities are competing for the title of inventor of Oklahoma prime rib: Tulsa and Oklahoma City. All that is confirmed is that Oklahoma prime rib is an invention of a collective of Oklahoma barbecue restaurants.
The exact reasons behind the invention of the Oklahoma prime rib dish aren't certified either, but a likely reason for its existence is cost efficiency. Pork shoulder is an inexpensive cut of pork that's perfect for barbecue beginners, and bologna logs are similarly very cheap. They are also easy to cook and the larger size means many people can be served at once.
As for the actual cooking method, the bologna requires minimal prep work. Simply score the log, cover it in sauce, and smoke it. The sauce or glaze can be made any way you like, but mustard is one of the most popular options.