Should You Actually Avoid Buying Purified Water?

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Where does your water come from? Many water connoisseurs have deemed that spring is the superior drinking choice compared to its purified and tap competitors. Spring water is naturally filtered by parts of the earth like rocks and minerals through infiltration, and it's untouched by added chemicals. It's clean and usually packed with minerals associated with health benefits, like calcium and magnesium. Purified water, on the other hand, is made by removing dangerous bacteria in formerly undrinkable water. While purifying water does produce liquid that is safe to consume, it also removes the previously mentioned healthy minerals and adds chemicals that kill bacteria.

Purified water is often viewed with much disgust by spring water supremacists online, who claim that purified water generally tastes worse thanks to the presence of chemicals. But spring water is actually not a completely safe option either. Because it's naturally filtered, remnants of microplastics can be left in it even when bottled, and consuming too much can lead to negative health effects like inflammation and fertility issues.

Single-use plastic bottles and alternative ways to drink water

While bottled spring water and purified water is very convenient, especially for those constantly on the go, expensive single-use bottles are an extremely harmful detriment to the environment. In fact, Brita filters have taken their place in many households. After filling the pitcher with tap water, you simply wait for it to filter out unwanted contaminants for a safer and tastier drink. While it may be annoying to keep the Brita filled consistently for repeated use, reusing an everyday water bottle will keep a 12-pack of plastic water bottles from a landfill or a pile of garbage in the ocean.

It may be true that brands like LIFEWTR and FIJI are refreshing options with balanced pH levels and a refreshing, pure taste. But purchasing the recommended amount of 2.7 to 3.7 Liters of bottled water every single day for women and men respectively (according to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine) would be disastrous for the planet if over 8 billion people followed this behavior. Although many say that spring water is superior to purified and tap water because of its natural filtration and superior taste, there are much cheaper and environmentally-friendly ways of consuming water every day. With these options, you can avoid breaking the bank and filling the ocean with plastic.

If you have to go with bottled water, be sure to check out the brand you shouldn't bother buying.
