How To Use Whole Spices Like A Professional Chef

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Whole spices intimidate home chefs, even some who are very competent in the kitchen. They're more expensive, they're not as accessible, and they kind of look like they came from outer space ... or at least, a lot of them do. The thing is, though, whole spices are just like anything else: Once you know how to use them, they're not nearly as scary.

Whether you're using the whole version of everyday kitchen spices such as turmeric, or trying your hand at cooking with uncommon spices, employing them whole gives you access to greater layers of flavor, complexity, and interest, and it will show in your cooking. Likewise, it also pays to grind your own spices, as it will make your dish richer and more compelling than buying the pre-ground jarred version.

The good news is that you can learn to use whole spices without much trouble. While the prospect seems daunting, it's not as hard as you might think to upgrade your spice wardrobe and dress your food more effectively. Chowhound caught up with several chefs to find out just how to do it.

Appreciate the nutritional value of whole spices

Studies show that spices are good for you, but they lose their benefits over time. "I consider whole spices much better compared to their pre-ground equivalents because they usually preserve their essential oils, which offer their potent aromas, rich flavors, and other health benefits," says Ken Tobby, the food scientist behind Organic Solace.

Specifically, these health perks come from essential oils, antioxidants, and flavonoids, all of which provide anti-inflammatory benefits, says Odette D'Aniello, founder of Dragonfly Cakes. These are the same compounds that enhance the taste, texture, and aroma of cooking, she says.

The downside is that those benefits come from volatile compounds, which eventually evaporate (as their name suggests), and do so even more quickly from ground spices that have greater surface area. On the other hand, Tobby says, "Whole spices remain fresh for a relatively long time; this ensures that their anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, and digestive advantages stay intact until they are used by consumers." Therefore, products such as star anise or cinnamon sticks lock those compounds away and keep them safe until you're ready for them.

You also have more cooking freedom. "Whole spices allow you to make a much larger array of dishes," says Olivia Roszkowski, a plant-based chef-instructor at the Institute of Culinary Education. "A few examples where you can use whole spices include fermenting, stocks, tea blends, wet and dry brines, tempered oils, golden milk, court bouillon, baked rice pilafs, mulled wine, infused syrups, and sweet poaching liquids." Like ... whoa.

Buy high-quality spices for excellent flavor

Nutritional value and flavor are inextricably tied together, so the better the spices you buy, the better they will taste and the better they'll be for you. Whether you're trying a new recipe to upgrade your salmon or simply want to bring some extra flair to your soups, whole spices can do it all — if they're of sufficient quality, that is, which many grocery store versions are not.

"Jarred spices that have sat too long on the shelf may have depleted flavors because spices oxidize quickly," Odette D'Aniello explains. However, D'Aniello adds that not everyone has easy access to quality whole spices, in which case jarred spices work just fine.

Ideally, though, you should try to avoid mass-produced jarred or lower-quality spices, Ken Tobby says, as they "always lose potency because of poor processing, prolonged storage, and exposure to air, heat, and light." Plus, they often have additives or fillers, such as anti-caking agents. Still not convinced? Dennis Littley of Ask Chef Dennis says the difference between freshly ground cumin and pre-ground cumin is undeniable: "The fresh one is warm, earthy, and slightly citrusy, while the older, ground version can taste dull and lifeless."

Moreover, Maricel Gentile, chef and owner of Maricel's Kitchen, says there's the issue of terroir. "Just like wine, spices are subject to the environment, the soil, and the climate," she says. "Where, when, and how the spice is grown, harvested, stored, and processed all matter." Simple switches such as using true or Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) instead of Cassia cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) make a big difference.

Purchase spices in bulk

Whole spices are expensive, so some folks are hesitant to spend out. But it's worth paying more when you buy your spices, the chefs say, because once you amortize them over the long run, you're still only using pennies each time you use a bit of that particular spice. 

What's more, bulk spices are often more varied than those you'll find in jars, especially if you search online for specific ingredients. "True chefs want the best spices from the best regions in Europe, Africa, and the Americas," says Brian Walter, executive chef at 87 Sussex. It's worth going the extra mile to find the right ones, adds Kalpana, founder of Kay's Curries, because "spices are not just ingredients — they are the foundation of flavor. While pre-ground spices work for everyday cooking, investing in high-quality, fresh whole spices will always elevate a dish."

The problem is, you often can't find these in jars on your grocery store shelves, but you can buy both spices and seasonings in bulk if you go to the right place. Head to the bulk section of your grocery store first, but if your favorite food source doesn't have them, go somewhere that does. "If you really want to take your spice game up a notch, buy from spice specialists rather than big-box grocery stores," Dennis Littley says. "You'll get fresher, higher-quality ingredients that last longer and bring way more to your cooking."

Another reason to buy whole spices in bulk? They're more likely to be pure, containing only one ingredient: the spice itself. Lastly, you get to choose when to grind it, keeping those volatile compounds intact.

Store the spices whole

Grinding whole spices ahead of time just gives them more of a chance to lose their flavor and health benefits. Don't do it. Wondering how to store your spices carefully in order to preserve their goodness? Pretty simple: Put them in jars with strong seals to keep moisture out. Keep them in a cool, dark place, away from heat, Ken Tobby says. Cabinets and drawers both work well, and so do pantries — if you're lucky enough to have one.

Some whole spices don't come naturally dried, however. "Fresh spices like ginger and turmeric can be dehydrated to maintain freshness," Odette D'Aniello says. Once you dehydrate them, you can store them whole, as you would spices that come from seeds (mustard) or bark (cinnamon). If you don't use all the spice you grind in one go, that's fine, but try to finish it within a month. And always taste first, Olivia Roszkowski says: "If your ground spices taste bitter or stale, it is time to part ways with them."

Add them whole to infuse flavor

Oftentimes, you don't even need to grind up your spices. If you are making soups, broths, or drinks, for instance, you can chuck them in whole, where they'll release gentle flavor into the liquid over time. This is the basic concept behind mulling spices, for instance, and it's worth learning how to do it right. "Whole spices such as cardamom pods, cinnamon sticks, peppercorns, and cloves are perfect for slow-cooked meals, broths, and infusions, as they slowly release their nutrients and flavors," Ken Tobby says.

"Ground versions just don't deliver the same depth," Kalpana agrees. In Indian cooking, her heritage and specialty, Kalpana uses them "in a process called tadka (or tempering), where spices like jeera (cumin seeds), shajeera (caraway seeds), mustard seeds, and cloves are bloomed in oil to release their full aroma before adding them to a dish." This helps to reduce bitter flavors, Maricel Gentile says, as with pepper: "By being whole, the peppercorn oils are slowly released into the dish and add subtle flavors, not bitter peppery flavors."

Indeed, whole spices are used this way across the world. Gentile offers examples such as Korean tteokbokki, which leans heavily on dried chili pods; Japanese ramen uses whole garlic, star anise, and dried shitake mushrooms. Fermented and pickled dishes also use whole spices, as do rice dishes, bouillons, and even gravlax and duck confit.

It's worth learning how to use whole spices for desserts as well. "At Dragonfly Cakes, we infuse whole spices like cinnamon, vanilla, and nutmeg in syrups," Odette D'Aniello says. "Or I mull them with apple or fruit juice."

Avoid grinding to keep liquids clear

Another excellent feature of learning how to leverage the infusing power of whole spices is the effect it has on the broth or beverage. "Whole spices are beneficial for releasing flavor into a liquid that you prefer to be infused and remain clear," Olivia Roszkowski explains, explaining that whole spices are especially useful for long cooking methods. "Think of whole spices like time-release capsules that will slowly, deeply, and more subtly impart flavor into your dishes."

Although it's not a bad thing, per se, spices do become more potent once you grind them. So, for braises or sauces that require more delicate treatment, Brian Walter says he uses a sachet of whole spices: "They keep their integrity, plus they won't add color to the sauce." Best of all, Dennis Littley adds, you get no powdery texture for sauces that need to remain absolutely smooth.

Grind whole spices as needed

The first step in knowing when to grind whole spices is to know which ones should even be ground. "Spices such as ginger, coriander, cumin, and turmeric are usually more effective when ground since this increases their surface area and improves absorption in our bodies," Ken Tobby says. Equally, "spices like black pepper and cinnamon have a much bigger punch when they're ground fresh," Dennis Littley says.

Whether you're using spices to make a gingerbread cake or cook a tasty Indian dish, you should hold off on grinding them until you absolutely have to. Now, will all spices ground before the moon landing make you sick? No, they won't. Will they give you the best results in your dishes? Also no; if spices are too old, you may as well not bother. "If it's been sitting too long in your pantry it may be bitter and useless," Maricel Gentile says. "Taste test your spices." If they don't wow, start over and grind afresh.

If you do need to grind your spices, then do it right before using them in your dish. Those volatile compounds don't just contain the health benefits; they're also where the flavors are. Gentile uses nutmeg as an example: warm, floral, and citrusy when freshly ground, but it becomes "flavorless dust" when sitting on the shelf. Moral of the story: Don't grind until you need to.

Toast and cool before grinding

Did you know you can increase flavor even more by toasting your whole spices? Yep. "Since taste perception is around 90% olfactory smell, the aroma of your spices accounts for a lot of flavor development," Olivia Roszkowski says, and for spices such as cumin, coriander, and sesame, it can really make a difference by bringing out the oils. That's where heat treatment comes in. "Toasting them before grinding helps intensify their flavors even more, bringing out their natural oils and adding a layer of warmth to your dish," Dennis Littley explains.

To toast spices, you can use a cast iron skillet or stainless steel pan. Gently swirl them over medium-high heat for between 30 seconds and 2 minutes, Roszkowski says. Then transfer them to a plate so they don't overcook in the still-hot pan. Then cool them; they're too soft when freshly toasted for a proper grind, but they will harden back up in time.

Use the right grinding tools

Learning how to grind whole spices properly is also a chef-worthy skill. "For grinding, a mortar and pestle is good to have in your kitchen," Maricel Gentile says. "It will give you control over how much you crush and control over the texture." This is good if you're fine with a coarser texture. However, for a fine, consistent texture, you should opt for a spice grinder, Dennis Littley says. A coffee grinder will work as well, though if you're also using it for coffee, make sure to run a batch of dry rice through it first, as this will remove the residual spice oils (and therefore flavors).

For spices that require grating, such as nutmeg, a Microplane grater is useful, says Brian Walter. If you have nothing else, you can always use a good food processor, or you can use a blender, according to some sources — though, if that gives you *puzzled face emoji* vibes, you're not alone. Ideally, you would choose one of the other methods.

Season in layers

It's not enough to add some whole spices at the beginning of cooking or a grind of fresh ones at the end; it's important to learn how to season your food at every step. "If you've ever heard a chef or commentator talk about depth of flavors, this is why," Maricel Gentile says. "A dish that is flat is often so because the seasoning was all added at once." Layering in your spices is key.

"Seasoning in layers builds depth rather than just coating food with spice," Kalpana says. "In Indian cooking, we often start by blooming whole spices in oil, then adding ground spices later, and finally finishing with a touch of fresh spice or garnish at the end." This formula holds true for many dishes: Some spices you should add at the beginning, especially whole spices that need a long time to infuse. Some spices should go in at about the midway point, while other spices should hit the pot or pan right at the end, as is true of delicate ones. "This technique allows you to control the intensity and balance while keeping flavors vibrant," Kalpana adds.

Conversely, some spices should not be added too soon or you risk having their flavor developing in the wrong direction. "Certain spices also tend to intensify as they sit, so it's best not to be too liberal with cayenne or ground black pepper all at once," Olivia Roszkowski says. Make sure you add such spices right at the end.

Incorporate sugar and salt with intention

There's no truly understanding spices, whole or otherwise, unless you also understand how to add sugar and salt to your dishes. "In the West, we often separate out sugar and other sweeteners as a seasoning," Maricel Gentile says. "However, in Filipino, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other eastern cuisines, sugar and sweeteners are a fundamental part of seasoning." But sugar is used as a balance for other seasonings, such as spices, she says. You must make sure to account for it when planning and adding your spices.

There's even a formula for the correct cooking order, Gentile adds: SA-SHI-SU-SE-SO. Sa is for sugar, which is added first so that during cooking, other ingredients can absorb the sweetness. Shi is salt, which "is only added after sugars as it will tighten proteins and prevent the absorption of other flavors." Next comes su — vinegar — balancing both salt and sugar, then se, which is soy sauce. "Soy has both salt and umami and is added later to avoid overpowering sweetness and acidity in the dish." Lastly, miso is added. "This sequence is not just about tradition; it's scientific. It is why Japanese foods taste so balanced."

You may have noticed that spices are not accounted for in this formula, but that's not because Japanese cooking doesn't use them. Indeed, their culinary tradition uses quite a variety. Rather, it's because spices can go in at any point or even be used as a condiment, so you should follow your recipe.

Taste as you go

Good chefs understand the difference that spices make to the flavor profile of your dish. They taste as they're working, noting what's needed and adding just enough to get the right effect. Start tasting before and after you make additions so that you can start to get a feel for how high-quality whole or ground spices are meant to function.

"Spices build upon themselves, and flavors change throughout the cooking process," Odette D'Aniello says. "Tasting as you go allows you to adjust the flavors as needed." Moreover, Dennis Littley adds, it helps you build some serious depth to your flavors. Some of these flavors are foundational to the dish, while some come right at the end for brightness. "For example, adding cumin early in a curry gives a rich, smoky undertone," he says, "but finishing with a little freshly ground cumin just before serving keeps the flavor fresh and vibrant."

Play with different spice blends

While many people think of whole spices as living on their own, in separate containers, never to mix until it comes time to cook, that's not necessary. A good home chef will learn how to make spice blends from the whole variety as well. Typically, whole spices make for better spice mixes because they last longer and are of higher quality.

"Chefs often like to create their own blends or use spices separately because it allows you to customize your dish more easily," Olivia Roszkowski explains. Often, these blends reflect culture and heritage. "Each region, state, and even household in India has its own version of the same spice blend, shaped by local ingredients, family traditions, and generational wisdom," Kalpana says.

You can combine whole spices ahead of time (think curry or ras el hanout) and then grind up a bit of the mixture when you need it. Or you can make your own ground spice blends on hand, assuming you go through lots of spices quickly. Make sure to experiment, Maricel Gentile adds: "This is what is so fun and exciting about food: The same ingredients in different combinations and orders create different experiences."
