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How Long Does It Take For Opened Soda To Go Flat?

Sure, the taste of the next best new soda flavor might be great, but it's that wonderful, carbonated bubbliness that makes it stand out. That crispness and fizzy mouthfeel could easily be pointed to as the reason why soda lovers love soda. Unfortunately, that fizziness is fleeting. Unlike lemonade or sweet tea, which can go back in the fridge for quite a while in between pouring out a cold glass, opened soda goes flat once the lid is off and the carbonation is released to the air. But how long does it take? And can you fight fate to extend the life of your Sprite?

Well, it really all depends on the situation you're in. So long as you place the opened soda in the fridge, the cold will help the carbon dioxide gas escape at a slower speed, and it should keep at least some of its fizz for two to three days. But if you're able to transfer it to a sealable, airtight bottle, the bubbles could make it as far as day five or six — maybe the carbonation won't be of the same quality as when it arrived, but the soda will certainly still be drinkable.

More tips for extending your soda's lifespan

When it comes to extending the lifespan of your soda, restricting the amount of space for carbonation to escape to is the name of the game. Purchasing reusable silicone soda can lids from Amazon or a small business is especially helpful if you're typically drinking from a single can. If you're trying to keep a larger bottle of soda carbonated, your best bet is to carefully transfer it into a smaller, airtight bottle with less room on top for the release of carbonation — keep the bottle tightly sealed and avoid moving it around too much.

If your soda has already gone flat, you can use at-home soda makers to recarbonate it. However, be careful with devices meant specifically for sparkling water since there is a possibility that the sugar will jam up the machine. Certain sodas that are past their prime can also be used in recipes — for example, you can repurpose flat ginger ale into a tasty addition for roasted vegetables. And P.S. — If you're on the other side of things and prefer your soda flat, you can use a simple sugar hack to easily decarbonate your drink.
