What's The Shelf Life Of Microwave Popcorn?
Popcorn has earned its title as the definitive movie theater snack, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable at home. Luckily, store-bought microwave popcorn allows us to have an entire bag of the stuff right from the comfort of our very own couch. It's a quick and easy, versatile treat that people often like to stay stocked up on, which opens up the question of just how long they have to get through them before it starts to get funky. Fortunately, the shelf life of popcorn is rather generous.
There are a handful of foods that don't last in storage like you think. Popcorn, however, is not one of them. So, if you forgot it was sitting in your cupboard from the time you planned to try Ina Garten's elevated truffle butter popcorn or simply wanted extra in store to nibble on, don't fret. You likely still have ample time before it goes bad, as unopened microwave popcorn lasts for around 6-8 months thanks to its airtight packaging. It's likely to fall in the latter range of that shelf life if you've kept it in a cool, dry place like a cabinet or pantry. This could actually even extend its longevity by another two months past the expiration date in some cases. Just know that once the kernels have already been popped, you only have a solid 1-2 weeks to make sure you eat it.
Signs your microwave popcorn has gone bad
It's all too easy to forget what products we have tucked away in the nooks and crannies of our cupboards, and upon finally finding it again, it can be just as difficult to remember exactly when you purchased it. But a taste test of old microwave popcorn will have changes in characteristics to remind you it's overdue to be thrown out. Though it might not always be as clear cut as there being mold (though that is always a possibility), it's more probable that the original quality will have gone down.
One example of how you'll know your microwave popcorn isn't fresh anymore is if it loses the addicting, immediate crunch the snack is always so loved for. The pieces will be soft, chewy, or stale instead. As for the flavor itself, a slightly rancid twang as opposed to the usual buttery goodness is more than enough proof that it's time to get rid of the stuff. Even the popcorn's smell might become off-putting and musty. Any of these signs mean it's time for you to dispose of the bag.