Here's How To Open Pita Bread Without Tearing The Pocket
Some things are easier said than done, and opening up a pita bread is one of them. This pocket bread might be the perfect thing to stuff with falafel, tahini, or tzatziki, but it's also prone to tearing. To save us all the stress of a ruined Middle Eastern feast, here's how to open the bread without tearing its pocket.
First, grab some pita bread. You can find quality pitas at your Middle Eastern grocery store, as well as most other generic food shops. Check each piece for any tears on the perimeter of the bread. If there is one, tear it open gently with your hands to expose the inner pita pocket. If there are no tears, then it's ideal to open the bread on its long edge so there's enough room to stuff it with ingredients. To open it like this, find an air bubble on the long edge with your fingers, pop it open, and tear the top of the pita.
Other ways to prevent tearing your pita
To prevent your pita bread from tearing, only open the top of the pita about a third of the way around its circumference. Any more than that and the bread won't be stable when you stuff it and might break open as you eat. That's all there is to it.
To further prevent tears in a pita, heat is a great tool. Try warming up the bread for a few seconds in the microwave prior to opening the pocket. This softens the dough and makes it easier to work with. Heating the pita in the toaster is also a good idea. Just a minute of toasting helps it puff up again, allowing you to open it without creating any unwanted tears. Other options like a panini press are fair game, too.
Feel free to use whatever tools are at your disposal to make the pocket-opening process seamless. Then, with any leftovers, turn pita bread into a dessert with some common grocery staples.