This Was The Best Little Caesars Crust Style We Tried, Hands Down

There's nothing better than a reliable pizza, whether it's a tried-and-tested homemade pizza recipe, your favorite frozen pizza, or a greasy slice from a nearby chain restaurant. But once you eat enough pies, you will find that not all pizzas are made equally. For instance, there are several pizza brands that you should keep out of your cart at the grocery store due to their weird-tasting cheese or cardboard-like crust. (They can still be elevated with a few budget-friendly hacks, though.) However, when you are ordering out and paying your hard-earned cash for a pizza dinner, you don't want to be unsatisfied.

Much like grocery stores, there are many pizza chains to choose from, but let's say you have agreed on Little Caesars. The brand, for a long time, has heralded itself for its affordable, hot-and-ready pies. Despite its short turnaround time, the chain offers several different types of special pizza styles, including thin, stuffed, and deep dish. Wondering which one you should order next time? Chowhound ranked all six Little Caesars pizza styles to determine the best. 

The pizzas were judged on two criteria: their crust and their overall deliciousness. When it came to the crust, attention was paid to its texture and structure. Coming in last place was the chain's thin-crust pizza. The crust was soggy and had a strange taste. On the opposite end, there's the delicious Stuffed Crazy Crust. Taking the top ranking of the list, this special crust is stuffed with cheese and topped with herbs and even more cheese, offering a complex flavor.

What made the stuffed crust pizza so good?

What is it about Little Caesars' Stuffed Crazy Crust that made it stand out? The special pizza consists of the chain's signature crust stuffed with cheese, brushed with a garlicky butter spread, and topped with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. The additional flavors did not distract from the entirety of the dish. The structure of the crust was still crispy and chewy — just with the addition of oozing cheese. The pizza comes in both pepperoni and cheese, or can be customized using the create-your-own option. There, the options are endless. You can top the dish with everything from bacon to mushrooms to black olives.

If you are a fan of the stuffed crust, Little Caesars offers several other items that highlight its cheese. For instance, you can order the limited edition Crazy Puffs in the flavors of bacon and cheese, four cheese, pepperoni, or a mixture of the three. The items are hand-held pizzas consisting of a muffin-shaped crust stuffed with cheese and pizza sauce, as well as a buttery garlic spread and herbs. The chain also offers Stuffed Crazy Bread, which is the stuffed crust without the other pizza aspects.

If you want to get your hands on the Stuffed Crazy Crust, you better do so quickly. As a limited menu item, it has been on and off the menu for years, and can be removed from the lineup at any moment. So, don't waste another second without trying it.
