These Onions Are So Good That Mexican Restaurants Serve Them As Side Dishes

Mexican restaurants have become a phenomenon across the United States with Mexican food making up nearly 10%, or a popular portion, of all restaurants. From fine dining establishments to underrated chain restaurants, there are a lot of delicious options out there when it comes to Mexican food. Although items like tacos or burritos immediately come to mind, there is one side dish that often gets overlooked: cebollitas asadas — or grilled onions. Also known as Cambray onions, this side dish involves grilling delicious small onions to perfection. 

These onions are known for their distinct sweet flavor, which contrasts perfectly with the char of grilling. It is common for these onions to be grilled and eaten all on their own in Mexican cuisine. Of course, that isn't to say that these onions don't belong in other dishes. Cambray onions work well with fajitas, tacos, barbecue, and more. Its ease of use makes it one of several must-have Mexican food ingredients for making a delicious meal while out or at home. Next time you're at a local restaurant, see if they offer them on the menu.

What makes grilled Cambray onions so good

Cebollitas asadas goes by several names, including grilled Cambray onions or grilled Mexican spring onions. In fact, the phrase "cebollitas asadas" translates to "grilled little onions". Regardless of what you choose to call them, the dish is exactly as the name implies: a plate full of grilled onions. The onions themselves are similar to green onions, and often get confused with scallions. What sets Cambray onions apart is their size and flavor. Cambray onions tend to be bigger than other spring onions with a sweeter flavor profile. You can find Cambray onions at specialty grocery stores or Mexican grocery stores.

This dish may sound extremely plain but it is actually quite flavorful. The onions themselves are fragrant and sweet, while the grilling process gives them a nice charred, salty flavor on the outside. Add a touch of lime juice and salt afterward for an extra delicious finish. They'll make a great addition to your tacos, burritos, or even those extra chips and salsa you filled up on while eating out at your favorite Mexican restaurant.
