The Key To Choosing The Best Crab Meat For The Tastiest Crab Cakes
Few dishes are a better seafood showcase than crab cakes. Pleasurably soft, delightfully sweet, and featuring a nice dose of crab flavor, they're an excellent way to make use of the crustacean. However, as such a seafood-laden recipe, it makes sense that you'll need the highest quality crab meat for the task. Yet buying and preparing crab can feel daunting, with several factors to consider.
Most critically, there's the crab meat consistency to choose from. Several types are available on the market, sorted from the largest pieces of jumbo lump, to standard lump, as well as more assorted types like claw and backfin. There's debate among crab meat enthusiasts over which type is best, but lump is widely considered the most favorable option. This crab meat style packs in a nice balance of moistness, crab flavor, and pleasant meaty texture. Less firmly packed than fin and claw meat, it'll lend your crab cakes a bit more airy lightness. So as long as you know how to prevent your crab cakes from falling apart while cooking, you'll get the tender result of the tastiest crab cakes.
Select lump crab meat from the right variety for the tastiest crab cakes
In addition to the type of crab meat, there's also the matter of the crustacean variety. The classic Maryland style crab cake traditionally comes from Blue crab — some argue it's the only true crab cake option. Alternatively, the West Coast inhabiting Dungeness crab also has a sweet flavor and flaky flesh ideal for the application. Especially for those living inland, there may not be such an abundant selection of local crustaceans; so there's nothing wrong with buying canned lump meat. And you can also craft a solid rendition with claw and backfin, meaning don't let limited availability stop your crab cake plans. Don't forget to check whether it's crab season, since the right time of year makes the crustaceans easier to find.
Once your crab meat is in order, you won't need much to make it shine. Select the ideal binder — eggs and mayonnaise are a popular choice. Cover in bread crumbs, sear, and enjoy the tastiest crab cakes as a result. Paired with the best type of wine, beer, or cocktail, and it makes for a meal to remember.