Every Totino's Pizza Roll Flavor, Ranked
In an ad titled "Chazmo Finally Goes Home," Totino's Pizza Rolls met up with friends far, far away for a Super Bowl ad in 2025. But even without a 30-second commercial that was viewed by the 120 million or so people whose eyes were glued to the screen that night, most families are already widely familiar with the name Totino's. The household brand is known for its variety of frozen products, and while some may have made it onto Chowhound's list of frozen pizzas to keep out of your cart, everyone knows Totino's reigns supreme when it comes to its famous pizza rolls.
You've likely already heard of and even tried the company's more popular, easily accessible flavors like Cheese and Pepperoni, but real pizza roll lovers should know that Totino's creates a total of 12 different varieties, including newer, bolder options like Spicy Pepperoni and Orange Chicken. Upon a taste test and analysis of each sort, it's clear that there's no such thing as a fully bad pizza roll, as they're all built from a reliably solid foundation of a crispy, brown crust filled with melty cheese. However, certain fillings simply rise far above others while a few are okay to be left on the shelf in comparison.
12. Pepperoni and Bacon
There's not much that bacon can't improve. From popcorn cooked in bacon fat to strips of the stuff incorporated into a banana and peanut butter sandwich, the smoky pork has a unique makeup that releases a myriad of delectable flavors wherever it's added. Combine it with pepperoni, another well-loved and savory ingredient, and you have an iconic duo that could have had the potential to be one of Totino's fan-favorite flavors.
Alas, the partnership of every meat-lover's dreams sadly missed the mark. You might've guessed one of the reasons why: The pepperoni flavor of Totino's Pepperoni and Bacon flavor wasn't on par with expectations. Bacon was the more dominant element by far, and usually that wouldn't be a bad thing in the kitchen, but the smoky flavor could be best described as artificial tasting. If you're hoping to truly get an even taste of both components, you'd be better off ordering a real pizza pie.
11. Hellfire Club Spicy Pepperoni
Aside from the regular pepperoni flavor, this protein source doesn't seem to have the best running streak when it comes to Totino's pizza rolls. The most recent release, coming out in September of 2024 as part of the Hellfire Club line, is Spicy Pepperoni. On trend with the other pepperoni products, there's a lack of the ingredient's presence when conducting a taste test.
Credit will be given where credit is due, though. And at least in terms of spice, this particular flavor holds true to what's promised. The flames and the spice meter plastered on the bag suggest that you should expect these rolls to be as hot as can be. Totino's wasn't wrong about that. Even as someone who prefers all meals to be made with a kick when possible and prides herself on having a high spice tolerance, the heat still caught me off guard. The taste of pure spice overshadows the possibility of tasting anything else within the rolls, whether that be the pepperoni or cheese. It can be a hard balancing act to make something extra spicy without in turn covering up any of the other intended flavors and ingredients, such as the pepperoni, and this product is simply one of many that haven't quite cracked the code on how to do that yet.
10. NXTLVL Orange Chicken
Anyone who loves a helping of American Chinese food or even the mass-produced orange chicken you would find at a Panda Express would likely be excited to hear that Totino's created its own pizza rolls inspired by the popular dish. One of two flavors in the NXTLVL line, the Orange Chicken Pizza Snacks contain diced white chicken meat drenched in orange sauce and mozzarella cheese. The concept of combining pizza and orange chicken really is a next level idea, but disappointing as it is to say, the orange chicken flavored pizza rolls just don't hit the same as eating the real thing at a restaurant.
While it would be admittedly unfair to stack a frozen meal against a freshly cooked dish, it would be equally unjust for us to not at least cue consumers in that they should expect a difference between the two. The clear generosity of the sauce within the rolls is no doubt wonderful. However, the meat gets lost in it, resulting in what feels more like eating a crust filled with sauce and sauce alone. The condiment itself is very thick and sticky, coating your tongue in a greatly sweet liquid that clings to your tongue and mouth far more than the type you'd find at Panda Express or a buffet. It's a rather repetitive taste that could've improved with bigger chunks of chicken to bring more varied texture and flavor in.
9. Triple Pepperoni
Based on the name, you'd be inclined to assume Totino's Triple Pepperoni Pizza Rolls delivers three times the amount of pepperoni that you'd find in the original pepperoni rolls. Avid pepperoni fans should bring those hopes down a notch, though, because the Triple Pepperoni flavor unfortunately doesn't accomplish the goal. You can save yourself the stress of seeking out this particular product and instead go for Totino's more readily available original pepperoni rolls, which taste pretty much exactly the same.
Now, there's nothing off-putting about the way the Triple Pepperoni option tastes. Flavor wise, they'd be right toward the middle of this ranking alongside the classic, baseline pepperoni flavor on account of how indistinguishable they are from one another. But it's due to this strong similarity between the two that there's no choice but for the Triple variety to be booted down. For not only does it not taste as if there's more meat, but it's ever-so slightly higher in calories for those that care about that sort of thing. Plus, it's not as easily to find as the regular pepperoni flavor, so why go through the extra work of hunting a bag down if there's no detectable change?
8. Cheese
Save for the fact that cheese is the star ingredient of these pizza rolls, Totino's standard Cheese Pizza Rolls find themselves far away from the other cheese variations. It actually falls on the complete opposite end of the spectrum from the Spicy Cheese sort, and it's even vastly different from the Triple Cheese kind, too. While the Spicy Cheese rolls leave your mouth feeling hot and peppery, and the Triple Cheese ones have a bit more of a nuanced flavor overall, the regular cheese pieces are surprisingly sweet.
There's nothing wrong with how saccharine they are, except that taste fatigue would eventually set in, as there are no additional ingredients to break up the monotony. It's for this reason that the Spicy Cheese beats this one out. The ordering of the two products on this list is ultimately subjective, largely depending on whether the person eating this snack prefers heat or not. But the spice of the Hellfire Club line is at least able to provide a more complex eating experience. Monotony aside, the plain cheese flavor and its sweetness can understandably be a go-to flavor you can't go wrong with, especially when trying to appeal to those with picky palates. It's likely a top contender for kids, who are one of the product's key audiences.
7. Hellfire Club Spicy Cheese
As timeless of a flavor as it is, there are only so many ways you can go about making cheese-centric pizza rolls. And since it's been established that Totino's has already checked off incorporating a trio of well-loved cheeses into one of its offerings, resulting in the Triple Cheese rolls, up next would have to be none other than amping up the heat level. Thus, the Hellfire Club Spicy Cheese variety was born.
Inspired by and named after the fictional group of Dungeons and Dragons-playing students in the Netflix hit series "Stranger Things," Totino's Hellfire Club line consists of two fiery flavors, with Spicy Cheese being the lesser of the evils. In fact, the first chomp you'll take of it might leave you questioning if it's even spicy at all. That could very well be due to cheese being the primary ingredient. Dairy products contain casein, which reduces capsaicin, the chemical compound responsible for spice. But just give it a few seconds; you'll quickly learn that the heat kicks in during subsequent bites and proceeds to linger in the aftertaste. Somewhat suddenly, the sweetness of the initial plain cheese taste is completely overhauled by the effects of the red pepper. It's not a particularly pleasant blending of flavors or smooth shift from one flavor profile to the next, but because of its delightfully ooey-gooey, sticky texture, the Spicy Cheese rolls are ultimately saved in the end.
6. NXTLVL Buffalo Style Chicken
Buffalo sauce is a versatile condiment, most notable for its highly popular application in a classic Buffalo wings recipe. As the world knows, mixing this buttery, cayenne pepper hot sauce with a lean protein source like chicken is always an instant win. Combine that with another fan favorite like pizza, and you've got what should be a surefire success.
Whether or not that's true for Totino's NXTLVL Buffalo Style Chicken Pizza Snacks likely depends on who you ask. As someone who typically isn't a fan of anything drenched in Buffalo sauce, I didn't go into this particular taste test with high expectations. These pizza pockets weren't anything mind-blowing, but they were definitely better than I predicted. They have a light, subtle heat that can satisfy those craving a spicy meal but don't want the overly intense fire provided by Totino's Hellfire Club line, which is discussed later on in this ranking. Just beware, though, of this product's texture. Of all the flavors, the Buffalo Style Chicken rolls have the runniest filling. Instead of the usual small emission of a gooey cheese that pokes through the edges of the other rolls' crust, you can expect a watery, red sauce to drip out if you eat these pizza pockets in multiple bites. Moral of the story: it wouldn't hurt to keep a napkin on standby when chowing down on these.
5. Pepperoni
Out of everything there is to know about pepperoni, Totino's seems to have the most important fact down: that it's pizza's best friend. After all, they company has put out a total of four different kinds of pizza rolls that use "pepperoni" in its name. Keep in mind, that's a third of all the flavors Totino's currently offers.
The plain pepperoni option is the best among Totino's handful of pepperoni-based varieties. That's honestly not saying much considering the pepperoni taste isn't even consistently there in every roll you eat. But for the pieces that are more apparent in their use of the spicy sausage, it's no doubt easy to get through a larger serving size than what the product's nutrition label indicates, which is a meager six rolls. It's pretty much what you'd expect from a pepperoni-central frozen item that's meant to appease a variety of palates, even if that means a slightly less prominent flavor. And despite the lack of a strong pepperoni essence that penetrates every bite, the outer edges of these squares are tinged by a deep orange hue that no other Totino's pizza roll variety has, revealing pepperoni and pepperoni-seasoned pork and chicken are at least for sure being incorporated as advertised on the packaging.
4. Triple Meat
Triple Meat is a triple threat. Thanks to the sausage, Canadian style bacon, pepperoni seasoned pork, and chicken and beef pizza topping, there's not much else to ask for in terms of added protein when it comes to Totino's Triple Meat option.
However, as delicious and addicting as they are, taste fatigue does set in when eating any pizza rolls. At some point, they all sort of start to taste the same, especially when eating the meat-central ones that put sausage, pepperoni, and chicken on rotation. That being said, Triple Meat once again doesn't taste very far off from Supreme or Combination. The actual meats used within it can also be hard to distinguish from one another, and there is the slightest hint of an artificial taste that comes along with it. Nonetheless, the melding of the protein's components into one jumbled flavor is still an enjoyable one, earning it a spot higher up on this list.
3. Triple Cheese
It's hard to go wrong with a flavor as simple as cheese. There's no denying that it's fun to try out unique, unexpectedly delicious pizza toppings like kimchi, squash, or smoked salmon, but oftentimes, you just can't beat the timeless classics. They're wonderfully reliable crowd-pleasers, which is extra handy when you're trying to feed a number of people at a social gathering, for example.
Triple the amount of that universally loved ingredient, and you've got yourself a solid choice that almost everyone can hop on board with. Totino's Triple Cheese variety can certainly fulfill that purpose. The increased amount of the dairy product within these rolls is surprisingly noticeable, as its filling is visibly much lighter in color compared to the plain cheese sort. That stems from the inclusion of three different types of cheese — the trifecta of heavy hitters that is mozzarella, cheddar, and Monterey Jack. Also worth mentioning is the generous use of some green flecks in each piece. It's not fully disclosed what this might be, though the Triple Cheese's list of ingredients do give a general umbrella term of "spice" and "natural flavor." It adds enough to the experience that just maybe you'll be willing to bypass the vagueness of such listings.
2. Supreme
Coming in as runner-up in the race to pizza paradise are the Supreme Pizza Rolls. They don't dare bring dishonor to their name, as "supreme" is an accurate label for this product. Break one open and you'll pleasantly find that the inside matches the picture advertised on the food's packaging relatively well: fully visible bits of sausage and cheese, though just not as generously stuffed.
The Supreme rolls do taste fairly similar to the rolls that took the number one spot, making them a very strong runner-up. In the Supreme rolls, you'll find sausage and pepperoni seasoned pork as well as chicken and beef pizza topping. There's also the green sweet bell peppers you'd commonly find on an actual Supreme pizza slice. The sausage and peppers do sometimes get a bit overpowered by the mozzarella and tomato puree. That's especially true if you eat the roll while it's still too hot, and then you might find yourself really only tasting cheese. But when heated to just the right temperature, which only takes a few minutes using the air fryer or microwave according to the bag's instructions, you'll be able to enjoy the product and its different components more fully.
1. Combination
A snack that offers you the best of both worlds is always going to come out on top. That's proven to be exactly the case with Totino's Combination Pizza Rolls, one of the brand's core flavors. Well, it's stuck around, and we can only hope it stays that way forever. These delicious pockets are at the pinnacle of the pizza pyramid, as they contain both sausage and pepperoni – a mouthwatering, meaty duo that serves as a go-to pairing for actual pizza pies.
It's not any less appetizing in the form of small, bite-sized squares. Sure, it might not contain all the typical toppings you'd expect from something like Costco's discontinued Combo Pizza — such as mushrooms, olives, and peppers — but the use of the two main protein sources that serve as the foundation of the slice's flavor is present. Enveloped by that golden-brown crust that's filled with mozzarella cheese, and you'll be able to forgive the absence of the other ingredients. The sauce and cheese are already bursting out of the pocket with every bite regardless, so what's the omission of a couple of elements? Olives aren't all that great, anyway.
The ranking of Totino's complete list of pizza roll flavors was determined through a taste test. Two separate sessions of trying multiple pieces of each variety were conducted on nonconsecutive days. This was done in order to allow time for my overall palate to be refreshed and reset, thus allowing for a more fair, complete review that wasn't as hindered by taste fatigue.
Each flavor's taste, use of ingredients, and alignment with the product's packaging largely dictated its placement on this list. Also taken into consideration was its texture, and in some cases, its nutritional value. Many of the Totino's varieties can be hard to distinguish from one another, creating extra focus around which ones stand out and whether it is in a positive or negative way.