Tips You Should Know For Cooking Biscuits On A Gas Grill

Have you ever had biscuits fresh from a gas grill? If not, you probably should. Now, the concept of grilled biscuits may seem inconceivable, if not improbable, to some. After all, you don't often think of biscuits when it comes to grilling. Grills are most often used to cook cuts of meat or veggies. And baked goods are more commonly cooked in an oven, rather than over the high heats provided by a grill. However, this doesn't mean that making biscuits in a gas grill is impossible. In fact, it might just be a great way to put a twist on the breakfast standard.

However, you will want to avoid using direct heat when cooking your biscuits (homemade or from the can). Rather, you will want to close your grill and lower your heat, creating an indirect heat similar to that of an oven. Luckily, unlike charcoal grills, gas grills have a higher level of heat control. You can lower and raise heat levels as you choose, and depending on the size or model of your gas grill, you can localize the heat to certain portions of the grill. This will help produce a more evenly cooked biscuit. But beyond this, there are a few other pointers you'll want to keep in mind before firing up your grill.

How to grill a good biscuit

To start off, you'll want to decide on your cooking surface. One option is to cook your biscuits directly on the grate. This is certainly a viable option, and can produce a biscuit with signature grill marks that make for a charming touch. However, you will want to first clean and oil the grates before putting your biscuits on the grill so that they don't pick up residue or stick to the grill. This will also make your biscuits more prone to direct heat, which means they might be more likely to burn.

If you're not comfortable cooking directly on the grill, you can always pull out your trusty cast iron skillet or pizza pan to cook your biscuits in. The benefit of using a skillet is clear. Skillets have been used for cooking biscuits for generations, and for good reason. Cast iron skillets can give your biscuits a brown crust, and can also help them to rise properly.

If you're not a fan of a cast iron biscuit, or simply don't have one on hand, you can also use a pizza pan. This will provide a barrier between your biscuits and the heat, and also provide a completely flat surface for cooking, which makes them easier to flip or adjust while cooking.

A few notes on grill-baking

Now, while baking biscuits in a gas grill is certainly doable, there are a few complicating factors to keep in mind if you are considering the cooking method. For starters, gas grills can be very hot; much hotter than baking biscuits calls for. And heat control on many gas grills is much more localized than a run of the mill oven. For this reason, it might be more difficult to get an even cook on your biscuits.

You will also want to preheat your grill to about 400 F before you place your biscuits inside. This will ensure that they are cooking at an even temperature. Exact cooking times vary based on your recipe, desired level of brownness, and the capability of your grill. So you will want to keep an eye on your biscuits, gauging proper cook time as you go. Of course, these are just a few pointers to keep in mind, and it might take you a few tries to be able to grill your biscuits to perfection, but the crispy brown results are more than worth the effort.
