What To Do With The Cream In Canned Coconut Milk

Coconut milk — specifically the canned variety — is a versatile addition to any kitchen or pantry. You can use it in everything from desserts and smoothies to savory crema recipes, soups, or even in your coffee. Its thick, rich texture forms when ripe, shredded coconut meat is puréed with water until the mixture is completely smooth. Though it's easy enough to make at home if you can find fresh coconuts, the canned variety is readily available in the Asian food section of most grocery stores.


As this mixture sits, the creamed solids sometimes separate from the water and float to the top of the can, which may be a shock for anyone new to cooking with coconut milk. However, this separation is perfectly normal and doesn't mean your coconut milk has gone bad. As long as the expiration date on the can has not passed and its contents are creamy white, it should be perfectly fine to use.

When using canned coconut milk as a dairy-free swap for heavy cream, you can simply stir any separated cream back into the coconut water. This will produce the luscious, creamy base you need for things like homemade vegan coffee creamer, ice cream, and savory Thai-inspired soup recipes. It's also delicious in herby sauces for salmon, or in glazes for things like German chocolate cake.


Embracing separation — using coconut cream and coconut water separately

Of course, there are also many ways to use the coconut cream and water in different recipes after they've separated. In fact, some recipes call for you to use only one or the other. When making one of these recipes, you can force the cream and water to separate by chilling the can in the fridge. You'll need to chill it for several hours, so it's best to plan ahead by refrigerating your coconut milk the night before.


Once your coconut milk is sufficiently chilled, the resulting cream will be very dense and solid. You can either open the can from the top and carefully scoop the cream out with a spoon, or open it from the bottom and pour off the water before retrieving the creamy solids. This coconut base is perfect for making coconut whipped cream, vegan frosting, or especially thick and decadent smoothies.

Even if you only need the coconut cream for a recipe, be sure to reserve the coconut water, as it's just as versatile. One easy way to use it is to add it to other beverages to help keep you hydrated — it's rich in potassium, magnesium, and other essential minerals. Combined with chicken stock and ginger, it makes a flavorful and delicious broth for cooking rice. If you're unable to use it right away, coconut water also freezes very well. Drop ice cubes into smoothies, or use the water to enhance homemade ice pop recipes.


