Is Lindt Chocolate Gluten-Free?

On the surface, spotting foods that contain gluten may seem like a simple task. When you think of gluten, you probably think of breads and cakes that contain high amounts of flour and cereal products. However, there are many foods outside of the bakery that can contain this protein. Foods such as hot dogs, soy sauce, and even french fries often contain gluten and should therefore be avoided by those who cannot, or do not want to, include gluten in their diet. One such product that often includes gluten is chocolate, as it may be made with wheat flour and barley malt. So what about Lindt chocolate?

Lindt chocolate is a beloved brand by many. In fact, Ina Garten swears by dark Lindt chocolate for baking projects. But is it gluten free? Well, it depends. The short answer is no, not all of Lindt's chocolates are gluten-free. In fact, many of their products contain ingredients such as barley malt. However, there are a few Lindt chocolates that do not contain gluten. These products include its white chocolate products (though white chocolate isn't actually chocolate, at least according to the FDA), and the high cocoa content chocolates from the brand's Excellence line of products. If you are unsure as to whether or not your chocolate contains this protein, you can check the package for a gluten-free label. And, hey, you can always check out these gluten-free candies if you still want to satisfy your sweet tooth. 

Why some chocolate contains gluten

So, why do some chocolate products contain gluten? While chocolate in and of itself does not contain it, many chocolate products are made with gluten-containing ingredients. For example, some chocolates contain barley or barley malt to emulsify the chocolate, keeping it a uniform consistency. Additionally, some chocolate products may be produced in a facility that also produces gluten-containing products, which can potentially cause cross-contamination in your chocolate. You should also look out for fillings that might contain gluten, such as pretzels or cookies. 

If you're still unsure as to a product's gluten content, you can check your chocolate's packaging. As of 2014, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has had several requirements for gluten-free labeling. Products must have a gluten content of less than 20 parts per million. It should also be noted that this labeling practice is entirely voluntary, so many products will not have this label. Regardless, you should always be sure to check your product's ingredient list in order to make sure.
